Monday, August 23, 2010

Living within our means

As my campaign is progressing the constant theme that I am hearing is the worry about the debt levels and the impact the cost of this debt is having on rates

It is true that the more debt Council incurs on behalf of the community the more we have to pay.

Previous mayoral campaigns have expressed the same concerns, yet debt continues to increase.

Living within our means is an important way of life for most individuals. It should also be an important consideration for our Council. With many of our ratepayers on fixed incomes, it is not easy for them to find the extra dollars to fund the “nice to have, but not absolutely necessary” projects. We need to save borrowing for the essentials and the unexpected , just as many households must do.

But at the same time we need to promote our district positively in order to grow local business and attract new jobs and investment, and build a new partnerships for progress so we can get back to living within our means. More people and investment into our area can bring much needed jobs and help us to spread the load of our existing debt and help to ensure we pay it off as quickly as is possible.

Mayoral Candidate, Wanganui

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